Supporting animal shelters during the war: how to make a contribution

Supporting animal shelters in Ukraine during the war is a critical task that requires joint efforts of the international community, local organizations and ordinary citizens. War leads to an increase in the number of stray animals in need of food, shelter, medical care and, ultimately, new homes. This article explores the multifaceted approaches used by international organizations and ordinary citizens to support animals in Ukraine amid the war.

International and local cooperation

Organizations such as Humane Society International (HSI) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) play a key role in coordinating relief efforts. They provide emergency assistance, such as animal feed and veterinary services, and facilitate the evacuation of animals from danger zones. In addition, these organizations work with local shelters and other animal welfare organizations to provide financial and material support. They also use their experience, resources, and international connections to provide the necessary help and support in the most difficult times.

Providing direct assistance

HSI has launched the Vets for Ukrainian Pets initiative, which provides free veterinary care for pets of Ukrainian refugees across Europe. This includes not only the treatment and care of animals, but also the distribution of emergency supplies to refugees, which allows them to provide the necessary care and support. HSI's work on the Polish-Ukrainian border demonstrates their ability to respond quickly to crisis situations by providing emergency supplies for animals affected by war.

Rescue operations and support for institutions

IFAW is actively intervening in the situation, working with both domestic and wild animals in Ukraine. They organize rescue operations from nature reserves, protected areas, zoos and provide assistance to animals affected by the war, ensuring their transportation to safe places for adequate care and treatment. The work of IFAW demonstrates the importance of international support and cooperation in the rescue and protection of animals in war.

These initiatives emphasize not only the urgency of the needs of animals in crisis situations, but also the importance of long-term support and the development of strategies to protect animals in the future. The work of organizations such as HSI and IFAW is a model of humane treatment of animals and demonstrates how joint efforts can save and protect many lives.

Building infrastructure on the ground

Activists and volunteers in Ukraine are working to build new shelters and make even simple barns for animals to protect them from the harsh winter weather and provide them with warmth and comfort. Such initiatives allow many animals to receive shelter and protection during the most difficult moments in their lives.

Challenges and needs

The main challenges for shelters and animal welfare organizations in Ukraine are to provide sufficient food, medical equipment, veterinary drugs and facilities for keeping animals. A large number of animals still need to be evacuated from the areas of active hostilities and provided with proper care and treatment.

How everyone can personally help

In this difficult time, each of us can be a pillar of strength for shelters that care for animals facing the trials of war. Here are some ways you can show your support:

  • Make a financial contribution. One of the most effective ways to help is to make financial contributions to organizations working on the ground. This allows them to respond quickly to urgent needs and provide animals with the necessary food, medicines, and care products. Also, organizing collections and delivering such goods can greatly facilitate the situation.
  • Invest your time and energy. If it's safe in your area, you can help shelters directly by caring for animals, walking them, or helping with their daily needs. Volunteers can also help with repair work or even digital support from afar.
  • Involve others in helping. Tell your friends and family how important it is to help shelters and animals during this time and motivate them to join in the effort.
  • Partnerships with local businesses. This can include asking government and non-profit organizations to help and support animal shelters in Ukraine. Businesses can offer part of their profits from the sale of goods or services to support animals.
  • Become a foster family for an animal. Temporary or permanent fostering relieves the workload of shelters by providing animals with a warm and safe home. Consider taking in an animal at your home, thereby freeing up space in the shelter for new animals.
  • Actively disseminate information. Informing the public about the importance of helping animals in times of war and how to help can change people's attitudes. Using social media to share information about the needs of shelters and organizations, as well as successful animal rescue stories, can attract additional resources and attention to the problem.

Each of us can make a contribution to helping animals in need because of the war. Small steps by many people can lead to big changes.

Assistance to animal shelters in Ukraine during the war is not only about providing direct protection to animals, but also about supporting relevant structures that have found themselves in difficult conditions. International and local efforts in this area demonstrate the incredible resilience and compassion of people for animals. Each of us can do our part by using the resources and opportunities available to support those in need. With cohesion and joint efforts, we can help ensure that animals receive the care, support, and a chance for a better future.

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